Wallpaper Engine on Android
Download the free Wallpaper Engine Android App and wirelessly transfer your existing Wallpaper Engine collection to your Android mobile device.
Download the Wallpaper Engine Mobile Companion App
Android 8.1 or newer required.
See frequent questions and answers section below for more information.
Frequent Questions - Wallpaper Engine on Android
Which devices are supported?
Wallpaper Engine supports all phones and tablets with Android 8.1 and newer.
Can I set a wallpaper on the Android lock screen?
This depends on your device, some Android manufacturers do not allow live wallpapers on the lock-screen at all. You will automatically see the option to set a lock screen wallpaper if your device supports it.
Does Wallpaper Engine on Android affect battery life?
The impact on battery life is very minimal. Wallpaper Engine will only run when the wallpaper is visible. Furthermore, you can choose a quality level for wallpapers and configure an FPS limit in the app settings. The app can also be configured to pause when you enable power saving mode, allowing you to fully adapt to your daily battery needs.
How do I add more wallpapers to the app?
Due to technical limitations, Wallpaper Engine on Android cannot directly access the Workshop to download new wallpapers. However, you can transfer your wallpaper collection wirelessly onto your phone via Wallpaper Engine on your computer.